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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Science Winds Blow

  When I joined the college staff that I learned a lot about the wind blows ..

  Definition of wind blows:
Blow Wind Science is the science that raise and integrated with nature, especially the wind, also called wind hanasir ..

The function of the wind blows:
-For energy threw punches through the air / wind.
-To protect yourself from those attacks naughty, wicked and particularly from the disorder attacks spirits (demons)
-For telemedicine also use the wind blows but cuman as from other scientific throw .. and many more functions ..

    Tips for mastering the wind blows my version:
1. intention to meditate and gather together with the natural forces of nature
2. Taking wind power by arms straight above the head with a borrowed god yes reading is your strength to become one with nature and to worship thee.
3. Fasting 7 days simply because the creator of this world is god.

    How to use:
1. intention
2.baca Takbir (Allah) 3 x
3. Throw ... 

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